
Monday, June 5, 2017

2 Degrees Celsius

3 words (2 Degrees Celsius) and a story.

A very long time ago, our universe, and in it our planet became a reality. Echoes today whisper of tension, change, competition, famine, extinction, survival, cooperation, love, hate, war, peace. 

Fast forward a bit to January 2017 and this post. I encourage everyone who has the time, to listen to the embedded TED talk and to re-read the blog post for January's Resolution #beesewcial prompt. It's rather timely.

As the pieces of this quilt arrived in Denver from my friends,  and I began to assemble their blocks into a cohesive whole, this quilt became something more than I originally intended. You can certainly go to each #beesewcial quilters IG post and read about their blocks. Their stories are personal and profound. In their togetherness, however, the impact of each piece resonated.
 (rez-uh-neyt: verb 1. to produce a positive feeling, emotional response, or opinion). 

The addition of rather exceptional machine quilting (thanks to Christine Perrigo) and her nod to creative spaces, I took the time to meditate on the quilt as a whole, to construct a thoughtful binding and then to add hand stitches to the quilt that celebrates the process of coming together,  creative collaboration, and of love of our planet and our fellow (wo)man.

Title: 2 Degrees Celsius

70" x 66"
Bee Sewcial blocks by: Leanne Chahley, Karen Foster, Felicity Ronaghan, Marci Debetaz, Silvia Sutters, MR Charbonneau, Debbie Jeske, Anne Sullivan, Hillary Goodwin, and me.
Materials: Quilting cottons, t-shirt material, glass nano particle fabric and embroidery floss in an arctic color palette.
100% wool batting
Original quilting design by Christine Perrigo using Fil-Tec Glide, trilobal polyester thread. Additional hand stitching details using Sulky 12 wt cotton threads in complimentary colors.

Pieced, 2" SOG binding with embellished details.

Close-ups of additional details: details are purposely subtle and often hidden. This quilt, like our planet requires close inspection, and time to see everything worth seeing. 


  1. The TED talk was well worth another watch again this morning. You and your bee mates did a beautiful job capturing the essence of the discord of this transition and turbulence.

  2. This turned out amazing, and the posts involved are (as you say) timely and important for consideration.

  3. Love what you've done, and the quilting just took it over the top. What a wonderful finish!

  4. Hi! I do feel here the 2 degrees C, cold but beautiful like in my home country Finland in winter. This is fantastic quilt! x Teje


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