
Saturday, October 17, 2015

Houston 2015

Kind of self explanatory, I have a quilt, "Embers" hanging in the Modern Quilt Guilds Special Exhibit at the International Quilt Festival this year. I also am fortunate enough to have been part of another quilt hanging in the same exhibit, one made by 22 talented ladies from the Denver Metro Modern Quilt Guild, called "Twisted Sisters Quilt" a Modern update of the Game of Twister. After Houston both quilts will be traveling to QuiltCon Pasadena, in February of 2016.


  1. Excited to be able to see them at QuiltCon. Congrats, they are both amazing.

  2. Congrats!!! Do you get to go see them? Hope so. I was lucky enough to have a quilt in the first Modern Showcase in Houston and got to see it at Market. So fun.

  3. They are both very cool. I love the effect of the flash on Embers. Congrats!!

  4. I saw it! It was great to see it in person.


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