
Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Everything Old is new again

I'm participating in the Michael Miller Fabrics sponsored Modern Quilts Unlimited Magazine block challenge.
My July submission was to reinterpret a more traditional 12" flying goose block.
Here is my take:
Michael Miller Cotton Couture solids in Jet Black, Soft White and Acid

Please vote for  me (pretty, pretty  please????) here I'd appreciate it! THANKS!!!!


  1. You got my vote. Only one other even came close. Great job and good luck.

  2. This is great and I just voted for you. Totally agree with Jan, above. Wonder if we had the same (transparency) one in mind? :-)

  3. I could not find where to vote. I searched for the entries but could not find them at all. Maybe a link would be helpful? Thanks.

  4. I like this a lot, as usual. That pop of mustard is perfection.


If you don't speak up, I won't know what's in your mind…….