
Saturday, June 27, 2015

The Twisted Sister Quilt- Celebration of the Denver Metro Modern Quilt Guild

Nothing better than creating with friends. Taking an idea and making together.

Case in point: The Denver Metro Modern Quilt Guild's Twisted Sisters Quilt, a group derived inspiration quilt from the talented ladies in Colorado. The quilt is a modern take, of improvisational design with intent. The inspiration, an iconic game, Twister. We had 24 unique circles in a modern take  on the red, green, blue and yellow twister game. The circles could be anything, as long as they: finished about 15.5",  were created within the makers assigned colors, used solids for the circles and low volumes for the background. Outside of those few guidelines, anything goes. It was uplifting to see how excited everyone was and how outstanding and unique the circles are.
DMMQG meeting showing all the pits and pieces before the top and back are pieced.
At Susan Santisteven's house

Guild Members met the deadline for blocks being done. We laid them all out and admired our work. One guild member  couldn't make it at the last moment so we found her block (posted to the #dmmqgtwistedsistersquilt group on Instagram and added her block (on iPad in photo).
We added a twist to our Twister take off, by being lucky enough to have a guild member who excels at many things and Wendy made us a mini quilt, the twister spinner, with everyone's name and color circle represented. Like a mini quilt label of makers, but also the spinner for the Twister game. So we really did Twister with 2 quilts!

We then laid the circles out in the traditional twister grid of 4 x 6
blocks laid out, light to dark before trimming and piecing
but then added a twist, an additional improv quilted negative space of circles, all in low volume.
negative space back lit. You can "see" the low volume circles best this way
 If you look closely, the circles, are color graduations, from lightest (at the top) to darkest. The negative space on the right has several phases of circle, from a metallic quilted "ghost" circle at the top, to a more concrete circle at the bottom. All phases of circle in between.
quilt top pieced
back pieced- label of makers to be added (shown floating on quilt back)

The quilting is simple, curved, occasionally overlapping in a pale pearl glide thread. Wendy Bermingham, of Wendybzquilting kindly leant her long arm and her expertise to the quilting. Paired with Christine Perrigo of Contemporary Custom Quilting (who created the custom ghost circle and orchestrated the quilting around it), the two long arm experts made this quilt even more outstanding.
Wendy making sure everything is as it should be before quilting commences

"Ghost" circle in Metallic thread in progress. Design by Christine Perrigo

Almost done
 My total participation in the quilting consisted of asking too many questions and taking photos.

Quilt from below, while the quilting is happening. The shadowing secondary to the long-arm's  lights creates great visual overlapping of the top and the backing.
 I hadn't realized all the behind the scenes work that has to take place to get a quilt quilted on a long arm, including dismantling the quilt after the quilting had commenced, to add a backing layer of muslin so that the beautifully paper-pieced Denver Metro Modern Quilt Guild Logo and lettering,
(pieced by Chelsea Camalick and Wendy Birmingham),  wouldn't shadow through onto the front. (I did help with making that decision and taking lots of photos!).
This is the BACK!!!! The paper pieced DMMQG logo by Chelsea and the Lettering by Wendy. I suggested  using the Modern Quilt Guild lettering for the M, the Q, and the G letters on the quilt.  It looks awesome!!!!

Title: "Denver Metro Modern Quilt Guild's Twisted Sisters Quilt"
90 x 80 inches
Inspired by the game of Twister
Circle Makers: Sheri Nichhols, Katie Rapp, Heather Feurgeson, Michelle Davis, Chelsea Camalick, Wendy Roth, Teri Ladtkow, Susan Santistevan, Charlayne Dunn, Shelby Skumanich, Andrea Berryhill, Teresa Barbagallo, Lauren Lang, Wendy Bermingham, Dena Mehling, Christine Perrigo, Anne Deister, Amy Wade, Carla Keahey, Marsha Loewenberg, Judy Sanclaria and me!

Quilt top piecing: Amy Wade, Wendy Bermingham, Christine Perrigo

Negative space makers: Wendy Bermingham, Christine Perrigo, me

Quilters: Wendy Bermingham, Christine Perrigo: long arm quilted with custom additions (ghost circle in metallic Superior Thread in silver) and adjustments, both to quilt top and Spinner board which has custom quilting as well. (Thank you Christine).

Quilting in progress. The top was basted and floated.
The back can be seen peeking over the quilt at the top.
Binding:  bias, Kona snow: Wendy Bermingham

Batting: yummy wool- the loft really makes the quilting a real stand out (not that it wasn't already, it's just more).

Mini Twister Board:  Designed and Pieced: all Wendy Bermingham. (I tried to help but kept making more work for Wendy so I stopped). Custom quilting design: Christine Perrigo.


  1. Love seeing the process on this wonderful quilt!

  2. What are you planning to do with the quilt?

  3. This was a fun post & loved to watch your quilt unfold. I am constantly amazed at the talent that walks among us. Thanks for sharing! Elaine from the panhandle of Florida & member of the Emerald Coast Modern Quilt Guild

  4. I just need to know how to get a website started. I want to make a fan site for a new band. I know that I have to pay for a domain, but I’m confused about how to purchase & build a website. Help please? Thanks in advance! (:. Thanks everyone! (:
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  5. So happy to be a small part of such a great quilt. You all did a fabulous job bringing the whole concept to life and finishing it off with such fine detail all around. Thanks for all the hard work. (PS . . can you add an "er" to the end of my name. It's Deister not Deist"


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