
Saturday, February 14, 2015

All you need is LOVE

Happy Valentine's Day everyone……

"All you need is LOVE"
The details:

56 x 59.5"
Fabric top: LOVE Panel from Wooden Spools, Denver, with the addition of 100% quilting cotton Rendezvous by Moda Kid, Two x Two by Windham Fabrics, High Society by Moda Kids, Nora Mae Gaulden Dots by Jenny Eliza, other fabrics from my stash.
Fabric Back: Tula Pink Laminate Birds and the Bees by FreeSpirit.

Batting: fusible fleece, 100% polyester
Binding: 2" straight-of-grain cut from front fabric remnants.
Quilting: spaced, modified Bernina #4 stitch, on a Bernina 180 with a walking foot
the spaced quilting is seen best here

Things I've never tried before:
1.Laminate fabric in a quilt. It's a great idea for a quilt back and protects the quilt if you picnic surface is a bit damp or perhaps even dirty. Wipes clean, but can also be laundered, gentle cycle.
2.One piece back, first time ever for obvious reasons.
3. 100% poly fusible fleece batting since I had to keep the pin pasting to a minimum and this batting will keep the shrinkage to a minimum after laundering.
4.The binding was attached backwards so I wouldn't have to hand stitch through the laminate which can be difficult.
close up of the laminate fabric on the back. I LOVE this fabric!

All-in-all a really fun, quirky and quick quilt!! (Say that 3x fast!)


  1. It's fun, and I am interested to hear how the back stands up to use and laundering.

  2. Absolutely gorgeous! Very happy and bright! Brilliant idea on binding.

  3. Wow! Laminated Tula Pink squirrels! Perfect! Love this quilt...full of love and practical!


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