
Saturday, January 31, 2015

Chihuly check-in, Bee Sewcial January recap/update

Well, January at Bee Sewcial is winding down and we are almost ready for another month and another inspiration. Go here to see some fun photos of all things happening in the month of January on BeeSewcial

Collage of some of the blocks received and scraps received and altered.
And some blocks in progress

And blocks that will become other things…. (like a pillow)
And finally my never ending quest to use scraps and make quilts. I have pledged 2 quilts from ONLY scraps so I'm on my quest.

Having the constraints of random precut scraps is a fun challenge, one I'm looking forward to completing.

Next up,  February and Kari of quiltsforthemaking. Stay tuned  for February #BeeSewcial on Instagram/Flickr.

And Ladies of Bee Sewcial, you have 2 more weeks to finish and mail blocks to me all the while pondering and sewing blocks for Kari!


  1. This has been really fun! I love watching and seeing what the rest of you do! Here's to February!

  2. Thank you for the steady stream of inspiration. I couldn't choose a favorite...everybody's work has sparked creativity for me. I'm having so much fun watching this bee progress and I can't wait to see what's next!

  3. your blocks are beautiful! I have been carrying the ones I made around for a week and a half. I will get them in the mail on Monday, it will be a priority!

  4. This has been so much fun Stephanie. Thank you so much for guiding me on new paths in my making



If you don't speak up, I won't know what's in your mind…….