
Saturday, July 12, 2014

Backtracking on Keeping Track

So, I loved hearing from all of you on how you keep track, or not, of your creations. It was fun to read your comments - Thank you, thank you.
I learned and I realized that I am not alone.
It was hard to pick just one "I wish I had thought of that" comment, so I let the random number generator pick a winner……

So, Melissa- I know how to get ahold of you. But if you see this, you won!!!

Here is the link back to the post for anyone who wants to read the comments. I learned a few things about all of you. Thank you for sharing honestly!


  1. What? No way!! Haha!! That's just too funny. I guess I should buy a lottery ticket now, right? :) The REALLY good news (maybe?) is that I heard of a website and app that helps track things. I haven't looked at it closely enough to see if it would REALLY work for our quilts-by-the-forgetful needs, but I'll let you know! :)

  2. I missed the earlier post - it takes me awhile to catch up on blog posts!
    I see many are in the same boat with me. Interesting, at least I know I'm not alone. I'm working on keeping better track of some of the things I work on. It's funny, I'll read someone's post how they know exactly the yardage they used and where it came from, etc. I think I must not want to hold on to those details.


If you don't speak up, I won't know what's in your mind…….