
Thursday, May 1, 2014

Socks, Blocks and a Good Book, May in the Jane Austen Bee and Book Club

May, my month in the Jane Austen Bee and Book Club. The Book, "Northanger Abbey" and the Block,  "Knee Socks Block" by Elizabeth Hartman.
you're wondering why this block is not completely assembled, please see below.

The block finishes at 24.5 x 24.5" so I'm asking for just one block per person. I certainly won't complain if your sewing along, while watching the movie,  and discover in your unbridled enthusiasm that you have completed additional partial blocks, just send them my way and I'll happily make them work.
The background should be white or white on white and it's OK to mix white solid with white on white  if that's what you have to work with. (please use your scraps)!
The stripes should be grays, preferable an assortment of gray solids in different hues, but any print that "reads" gray can also be used and solids and prints may be mixed in a block as well.
Here's the "twist"…... for one or two (your choice) of the 1" or 1.5" gray stripes please substitute  a red stripe. It can be a solid red or a print that "reads" red. Use no more than 1 or 2 reds per 24.5" block. Please try to stay away from pinky reds as this quilt is intended for my brother. Any other red is fare game.
Another plot "twist" DO NOT assemble the sub pieces into the 4 quadrants needed to make a finished 24.5" bock. In order to make the quilt extra interesting, I will use all your sub pieces and mix them even more. I did this in another Bee and I loved what happened.
So, send me 4 each of the large, medium and small blocks, and I'll toss them together and make the A,B,C,D quadrants and then, mixing again, assemble the final large 24.5" squares. Using what scraps you have eventually won't make a difference if all you have is one or 2 grays, or one red. (As you can see from the hurried picture above, I used mostly Kona coal solid, a few others thrown in for good measure, but none of these blocks will be near any of these others in the final block,  so no worries).
And, chain piecing helps move things along once you have cut all your fabric pieces if you are pressed for time.
Have fun with the book, and the block. With the straight piecing it's the perfect block to sewing while watching a little of the movie, if that is your cup of tea.

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