
Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother, Mom, Mommy, Ma…..

Happy Mother's Day to All Mothers, whatever your name may be!
For 2 special Mothers, one who also is having a birthday!
 This coordinates with a quilt I made about a year ago. Thought this would be a nice addition to the couch so the quilt wouldn't be so lonely.
This is for the Mother's Day/Birthday girl. Something both neutral and not. One of my favorite Japanese +/x blocks.

Gray pillow: Original design, improv pieced and quilted. Various quilting cottons, Kona, Ash, coal and charcoal.  Aurifil # 2024 thread for piecing, grays #2605,1158 for quilting. 12 x 24" pillow form. Hidden zipper back.
White pillow: Japanese x+ block. Various quilting cottons. Kona white. Aurifil #2024 for piecing and quilting. Exposed zipper back.  20" pillow form.


  1. Happy Mother's Day to you too! Lovely pillows!

  2. What lovely Mother's Day/birthday gifts! I would be hard pressed to pick a favourite!

  3. Great pillows. Your moms must love you (I'm feeling extreme MIL guilt in seeing your lovely creations). Happy belated Mother's Day.



If you don't speak up, I won't know what's in your mind…….