
Saturday, November 30, 2013

Quilt blocks big and {very} small- a small interlude

There is NO such thing as too much of a good thing.
More is better.
Better is best!

Always Bee Learning is a group I participate in over at Flickr. It's a virtual Bee in which we challenge each other not only to try new techniques, but to get better at tried and true techniques. Sometimes the blocks are hard, other times, elegantly simple, but they always keep us on the path towards learning, and not always about just sewing!

This month's block was chosen by Leanne at she can quilt. It's elegant, and has all those precise half square triangles. Our challenge was to make perfect half square triangles. Leanne posted a thoughtful tutorial on how to make perfect half square triangles. Our task was to see if we could.

What do you think?
Dashing through the snow…...
I have always admired precise HST, but never achieved the desired precision until Leanne's tutorial
Lesson well learned! But why stop at just the 2 blocks??? Why indeed?

Block variation: at 1:16 scale. (I didn't quite pull it off but I sure had fun trying).

Mini Quilt replica of the November Always Bee Learning Block using
 tiny left over scraps from making the bigger HST's.
And yes, that's snow in the background. Perfect for a winter quilt.

1:16 scale (the entire mini quilt is only 3" x 3")

The "mini" HST are each 1/2" square in size. Save for the one on the right in light blue, I nailed the little points. Couldn't have had a better teacher. Thank you Leanne.


  1. Thank you for the beautiful blocks! I love hsts and hope to make more soon, I am glad that the tutorial was helpful.

  2. The mini quilt is amazing. I can't believe it is only 3 x 3. Thank you for sharing the link to Leanne's tutorial.


If you don't speak up, I won't know what's in your mind…….