
Monday, January 28, 2013

It's not about me, but it's still exciting….

Have you checked out the current issue of Modern Quilts Unlimited???

Well, if you have it, you can turn to the back and read about my Guild, Front Range Modern Quilt Guild and see a picture of my "Tail Wind Quilt".  And check us out here too: Facebook and Flickr
See lower right hand corner, my quilt, eek!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

New Year, new layout

I spend the beginning part of the New Year cleaning and organizing my sewing room. It was a disaster area after the holidays. Plus, I wanted to rearrange a few things, garner more table space, so, I moved everything not bolted to the wall out, rearranged and then put it all back. Cleaned out all the boxes and bags and well, it's done (for now). I did discover, not surprisingly, that I have more scraps than I can possibly store, so in celebration of cleaning out my sewing space, I will be sending 2 lucky followers a surprise goodie bag of scraps. Leave me a comment and let me know what is the one thing you would LOVE to have in your sewing area that you currently do not have (I would L*O*V*E a design wall). I will pick 2 winners on January 30th and send you your scrap goodies. Don't be shy on the comments, dream big!
Oh, and while I was cleaning and organizing a made a few things to help!

Friday, January 4, 2013

200th post winner

OK, thanks everyone for leaving me all those kind comments….
Here is my holiday table, (featuring the quilted placemats) since some of you asked! I went with my clear glass dinner wear to show off the placemats. My "fancy" plates covered too much.

I did end up washing all the placemats after the big meal, (and line dried them instead of tossing them into the drier) and after a light touch up with the steam iron, they look almost new. Unlike the nice soft wrinkled look of a quilt, wrinkled is not (necessarily) the look I'm going for on a set table.

But this is not what you are waiting to hear. The winner of the 200th post giveaway will receive Kelly Biscopink and Andrea Johnson's 2012 book: Modern Designs for Classic Quilts.

 And the winner is, 

Chrystal who said"These are so fun!! I'm sure the binding wasn't, but it's gotta be more fun to have all the different placemats, instead of 12 of the same thing! ".

Chrystal, Please send me your snail mail address and I will be sending you your "surprise" in the mail.
Happy New Year!!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year, 2013

                                                         Color of the year, (Emerald).

Perhaps having this years color in mind will inspire you to great things this year. For me, last year was one for the books. Lots of firsts, lots of finishes and lots of fun. 2013 will bring some big changes to my house and home. My eldest goes off to college this year (guess he'll be needing a quilt for those cold and drafty dorm rooms), one of my nieces will move to Denver to start her first (after college) job, and I'll be getting back to driving my youngest to school (had a reprieve for a year and I must honestly say, it was heaven).
I currently have a few quilts planned for 2013, but I'm not sure how Emerald will fit in. Perhaps you have great plans for this year, I'd love to hear what's in store for you.