
Monday, June 25, 2012

June De-stash Giveaway winners!

The June winner is finally here…. it's Rebeckah who said "
Rebeckah AustinJune 1, 2012 8:13 AM
I am currently reading Honeymoon by Jamer Patterson. It is so so... It is about a black widdow who has multipul "Lovers" (richmen of course), what she does to them, and the story of how someone is on to her."
Rebeckah, congratulations, I will be contacting you so check your email. 
This package will be on it's way to you as soon as I get your address.
Check back July 1st for the July giveaway! (I think it might be somewhere near purple, if I am not mistaken).

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Sometimes you need divine inspiration, other times…...

…… inspiration is divine. Like this last round of the Table Top Swap (Table Runners). My partner was very specific, including pictures and detailed descriptions, more than I could have asked for IF I even knew what to ask. So, with all this info sloshing about, I went with her wishes and a bit of my own slightly off kilter design. Some edge to go with her traditional, the unexpected with the requested, in the end, I think it might be just what she might want (if she knew I was her partner).
Front:ivory linen, various blue quilting cottons
inset strip-pieced,
off white 100% cotton thread, 18" x 18" more or less
 and best of all
Back: indigo linen, dense "straight-line" quilting with a 100% cotton
variegated blue thread
inset quilters cottons in blues and one yellow

Back: detail of stitching with variegated thread

A rectangular topper too……..
Similar materials, quilting and style, 36" x 14"

Front: dense straight line quilting, inset quilters cottons in various blues

Back: Vintage 100% cotton kimono fabric from Japan

Back: bobbin thread- light blue to match background

Both table runners are reversible
Both use linen: ivory(rectangle) and indigo (not-rectangle)
Both are densely quilted with complimentary 100% cotton threads
Both have a bit of the unexpected (Smaller: unusual shape; larger: precious backing fabric)
Both compliment (color) and contrast (linear vs curlicue) nicely with traditional/formal table setting
So partner, I sure hope you like these. If my dining colors ranged to blues, I would have had a really hard time sending these away!!!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Mustache's are everywhere

just LOVE the fabric and what you can make……..

Zip pouch 10 x 5 x 3"(approximately) with a bright orange zipper and orange lining! Graduation gift for a girl who has everything, loves Dr. Seuss and funny enough mustaches too!

Friday, June 1, 2012

June De-stash Giveaway is here!!!!

Ok, It's June, we are half way through the year of monthly giveaways. Yay!
June's box color is Blue
So, for June, this giveaway will be open to people living in the US only. Anyone can comment however and I do love to hear from you, so comment away.

In order to be in the running to win June's box of Blue goodies please let me know what your reading right now and whether you would recommend it. It's summertime and it's time to round up some good books to read. Paper or digital, it matters not.

Details for the 2012 Monthly Giveaway:

I will post a photo of the give-away each month during the first week of the month- so check back often, so you don't miss out.

You will have until the 21st of each month to leave a comment.

Leave only one comment per person.

I will pick a winner and get your package in the mail by the 25th of each month (postal holidays and weekends excepted). (Make sure you don't fall in to the no-reply blogger category- if I can't get you I'll pick someone else).

I know some of my followers are outside the USA. Because international postal rates abroad are much more expensive I will be doing international mailings only a few times during the year (these are big packages and costly to send). Please know- I haven't forgotten you and appreciate your following me- I really do. So, I will specifically post whether the monthly destash-give-away is open to international entries on any given month.

Thanks for all your support and good luck in 2012! Remember 7 chances remain to win this year- Go for it!!!